Saturday, April 30, 2005

Bad day?

Yes, this is mean, but we've all had our bad days. I mean, look at our friend Nick Nolte above. I'm pretty sure he wasn't quite cheery when that picture was taken. But what's important is that we look back and laugh. Now you think you're having a bad day? Or Nick had one? Unfortunately, (or fortunately for us) this girl is probably scarred for life, because of her so called 'bad day'. It is quite cruel to point and laugh, but oh well. I did...and so should you. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Featured Track of the Week (April 27th)

Well, this lovely couple that made me laugh and cry all at the same time is the reason for my choice of this week's featured track (yes I missed last week). It was an emotional rollercoaster watching 50 First Dates. Now, I wasn't crying because it was sad, but because Ula was so hilarious. Favourite far, is when he rubs his feet on Sandler's pillow, and then sits on it. I mean, COME ON Ula....that's uncalled for! Annnyways, the reason I'm posting this is because this movie had some great music. One particular song that I'm listening to now is called Over the Rainbow, What a Wonder and it's by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. It's got that trademark Sandler ukelele (which is obviously not played by him). The song is a medley of Over the Rainbow (from Wizard of Oz) and What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. It's such a beautiful song, and really touches the heart. Check it out at your nearby Limewire!

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Snoop Dogg has pioneered a new language into the world of hip-hop. It isn't uncommon to walk by a first-year residence and see a bunch of rich, white-suburbian kids yelling "Fo' shizzle ma' nizzle" at each other. I get a chuckle out of their behaviour, so I'm not going to hate (why hate?). Well, now, everyone can get in on this trend. Put any website into the search toolbar below, and it will be translizated in no time! Try it's pretty funny.

For those of you not familiar with Frank Miller (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns), or Robert Rodriguez (Desperado, Spy Kids series), let me make some informal introductions. Robert, Frank, these are my friends. Readers, meet the pair of geniuses who have done the unthinkable. Many said that Frank Miller's three graphic novels (comic books) could not be brought to film. It was much too sexual, too violent and most of all, it was just unfilmable. Miller specifically refused to sell the movie rights...until Rodriguez came along. He screened the opening scene of Sin City to Miller, and he was sold! This movie...sorry, film, is not for the squeamish, or those offended by nudity (true to the nature of the comic, there is a lot of unnecessary nudity). But people who truly appreciate great cinema will undoubtedly fall for Sin City. It is a three-part fragmented story, that ties together in a Tarantino'esque finale. Great lines, great action scenes, and perfectly cast! Although there are heroes in the film, I would refer to them as anti-heroes. They kill, they are flawed and they are damn slick. But they all have some good deep down within them. This movie is the darkest movie I have ever seen, and watching the movie is like being at a funeral... a beautiful funeral. I would have to say my favourite character is Elijah Wood, and I won't ruin anything, but let's just say his role is miles away from "Mr. Frodo". I highly recommend Sin City for those who can tolerate two hours of non-stop violence, but for the rest, maybe you should watch The Notebook instead.

It's time to prove to your friends that you're worth a damn. Sometimes that means dying, sometimes it means killing a whole lot of people.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Battle of the Browsers

There is a silent war going on in cyberworld, and no Mario fans, I'm not talking about the King. I am talking about Web Browsers. Most people I talk to are not aware that there is a world outside of Internet Explorer. Well my friends, there is, and sometimes it's a lot better. How? These alternate browsers are safer, more user-friendly and quite accessible. I have personally made the switch to Opera. Although certain functions such as ActiveX and some videos don't work with it, it performs the same as IE, but has extra perks. I can browse by tabs, search using the address bar and have forms automatically completed for me. It also blocks pop-ups and prevents malicious spyware from creeping onto my PC. Click here for an extensive guide provided by PC World that gives us a good comparison of the alternatives available to us. Firefox seems to be the leader of the pack, because it is the simplest, but most powerful. Not unlike the introduction of alternative health care (acupuncture, chiropractic, shiatsu, etc.), we have become so accustomed to the 'norm' (general medicine), that we are afraid to try new things! I have had no problems with Opera, and hopefully you can make the switch too!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Featured Track of the Week (Apr.19)

I'm going to try this and see if I can keep it up, but every week I'll give a short review on a song that has gained a monopoly on my Ipod, my car stereo and Windows Media Player. This week, I have to give this honour to Summer Calling (Josh Gabriel Mix) by Andain. It can be found at a local Kazaa or Limewire (I don't advocate downloading music illegaly). Now, people who aren't fans of vocal trance may not like this one, but those who are into any type of trance music can appreciate this haunting tune. It is a song perfect for those evening summer drives. Your windows are down and you allow the music to take over. The chilling vocals in this track may give you a few shivers down your spine, but I assure you, they are 'good shivers'! Anyways, check it out, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Hey all, on my sidebar on the right, I have a little Shoutbox. Take advantage...send your shoutouts...get craaaaaaaaazy!

What the...?

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Recently I have been receiving many comments (obviously not on this website) regarding Faran's World. Most have been along the lines of, "Where do you have the time to do this fool?", "Why are you doing this fool?", or "Get a life!...fool". Well, let me explain, oh wise ones. I feel that if all of us had our own blog site, spilling our thoughts every couple days (it really only takes a few minutes), we'd all feel a little more connected. No? Comment on each others' posts, put up pictures...ok, so maybe it is all a little lame....oh well, I'm having fun! Leave me your feedback!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Downtown London Adventure Pt. 2

So, yes, the saga continues. The thrill of working at Hakim Optical never ends. Couple days ago I almost called the cops because some drunk man was in the store harassing all the girls and wanted to take his glasses without paying. It was quite the fiasco. What I have learned working downtown is that a lot of people have such a skewed perception on people who are on welfare. Some believe that they are all bums who leech money from the government. True, I have seen some of the above mentioned. But, most of them are really good-hearted people who are going through some rough times, have some sort of disability that prevents them from making money and they are truly trying hard to make ends meet. And yet, the general public thinks they're a waste of time. Well, working at this store has definitely opened my eyes, and softened my heart. Haha....sounds cheesy, but it's true!

Well, I hope everyone is enjoying the weather, I know I am. 'Till next time!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Downtown London Adventure: Pt. 1

Well, I work at Hakim Optical full-time now, seeing as how I really don't have much to do during the day. So, they put me downtown, at King and Clarence. It's pretty cool, because I get to go to the Covent Garden Market everyday for lunch, I see lots of people I know and it's not too far of a commute. It's fun! Now, along with this fun comes the CRAAAAZINESS of working downtown. Let me explain my day today. In the morning this guy, mean looking Greek guy comes in and starts talking to me, telling me he has no money to go to Toronto, trying to sell me his thermos, showing me his busted up hand (he got into a fight) and explaining how he wants to re-connect with his children because he was away for so long (prison). Anyway, as he is talking, another fishy looking man darts into the store, walks around for a few minutes and quickly runs out. Then the Greek guy left. Ok, a couple hours later, Greek guy comes back, yelling, screaming, swearing (customers are in the store) that some guy stole his wallet and he wants to "ram a knife down the guy's throat". Then he tells me the 'fishy guy' stole some of my glasses, and he'll take care of him too. Then he swore and left to go "stick the %$^(@!$". Ok, so I brush it all off, and leave the store to go to work. As I'm crossing the street, a car hits a young boy (walking with his father) in front of me. The boy was okay, but the guy got out of the car and he started fighting with the father (in the middle of the street). Then, I look to my left, and some boy is running (not older than 11 years old), and there's a cop chasing him. Cop catches him, pats him down, and throws him into the cruiser. It was a session of Grand Theft Auto witnessed in real life.

Yes, typical day at Hakim Optical in downtown London. Exciting and keeps me on my toes. What I don't like about the job is the customers. Most of them are very rude and want much more than they are entitled to. Now, 95% of the customers are people on welfare, and I have absolutely no problem with them. What I do have a problem with is people who lie to me and try to 'scam' me. Not going to happen while I'm working there! But, working in this environment is giving me a new outlook on people who are less fortunate...or down on their luck. My take on them? Next time!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Guyana: A Journey of Body and Soul

Well, the presentation on our trip to Guyana seemed like a success (in my opinion), and hopefully some follow-up activities can stem from the meeting. Stories were told, music was played, videos were watched. There was plenty of partial male nudity, and lots of laughs. The presentation was followed by a short discussion, and then the mandatory game of 'Mafia'. Great time for those of you who didn't come out. The purpose of the presentation was to remind people that North America is not the centre of the universe. As we thrive in our comfort zones, we (especially me) rarely take a moment to reflect on the vast difference in the quality of life between us and the less fortunate. A trip to a third-world country really changes one's perspective, and makes one realize that all the things we worry about here are so petty. Life is essentially quite simple, we should live our lives in service to one another. A society comprised only of consumers is destined to fall. The society we live in is one of consumption. Moral degradation is everywhere, and everyone lives their own lives without bothering to look at the bigger picture. Our intention in coming back to Canada is to use our motivation from Guyana to start up some moral-development classes, and discussion groups. All day, every day, we are immersed in either academia at school, or fairly shallow socializing (I am a huge victim), and I think putting aside a couple hours a week to discuss morality and spirituality is something that we can all use. So, drop me comments on what you think, and hopefully we'll get something started soon. Stay up-to-date by regularly checking this WILL be informed!

Regarding the presentation, we had to change the venue because there wasn't enough room. We moved to the John Labatt Centre, because fortunately for us the Knights weren't playing that night. As you can see, a large crowd showed up.

Those two dashing young men on the screen were the presenters, and don't ask why people brought American flags. I asked them not to, but who listens??

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Love for Music

Personally, I can't get through a day without listening to music. Although people may accuse me of listening to Top 40, which I occasionally listen to; I get my true satisfaction from listening to more soul-stirring music. Now, don't laugh, I'm being serious. First of all, there is a lot of classical music that really touches me. Especially when there is a grand orchestra providing it. Also, the thrill of driving from Point A to Point B (which I do quite often) is magnified when I'm listening to some good trance music. I'm not talking about the chest-pounding tracks that only induce migraines. DJ Tiesto, Paul Van Dyk, Ferry Corsten...these are the men who spin tracks that blow my mind. Check them out. There have been so many times that I have been blasting one of the above DJs in my car, and have either missed an exit, drifted into the next lane, or passed out and awoke in a nearby ditch. I hope you can share these experience with me. Also, while I'm surfing (or blogging), I am almost always tuned into my digital radio stations. Check out Digitally Imported, under 'Vocal Trance', 'Trance', 'Chillout', and 'House'. Welcome to my world.

You can also check out their sister site,

Sand Animation

I remember as a child, going to Grand Bend or Tobermory and sitting on the beach trying to make sand castles. After painstakingly working on my castle for hours, it would look like an enlarged ant hill. Maybe I wasn't born with the gift to use sand as a medium to express my artistic talents. Maybe I wasn't born with the gift to express my artistic talents. Who knows? But, this man DEFINITELY has this gift. I highly recommend checking the video out; this guy has talent.


I generally don't have strong political views, and I don't have one against or for the Bush administration. But, I still find it hard to believe that he got re-elected. I know it's a little out of season, but who wants a monkey as a president? Also, some of his speeches* in Congress are a little odd. No hard feelings Georgey, I'm just having some fun!

*(Quicktime is needed)

Funny Faces

Haha, I had some fun making my crackhead from the 80's, who knows, you might also. The funny face generator kept me occupied for about 2 minutes.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Unravel the Mysteries

For those of you who haven't been to Unravel The Mysteries, you're missing out. It's a great time every year, and I'm sure this year will be no exception. Participate in stimulating discussions, socialize and of course, don't forget your dancing shoes!

The “Unravel The Mysteries” Forum offers an intellectual and spiritual challenge to young adults in their 20’s and 30’s.

Conference Themes: Challenges and Opportunities of Modernity

Seizing Opportunities for Growth Intensifying Collaboration within our Community Understanding and Responding to Global Forces

Fri. May 27 to Sun. May 29, 2005

Cinderella Man

Most people are probably going to get angry with me when I say this, but Russell Crowe is one of the best actors out there right now. Sure, he may not have the greatest personality, some even say he's a jerk. But, look at the classics he has given us. I think he's one of the only men who can almost bring me to tears. The charisma he brings to the screen makes me want get off my couch and do something useful. Alas, I am a lazy man, and such things will not happen. Without further ado, from the producer and director of A Beautiful Mind, comes this epic. Enjoy the trailer and undoubtedly, Russ (me and him are cool) will not disappoint.

Gulp it

Wow, IMHO (in my humble opinion), Google is the world leader in innovative technology. Gmail is now my new best friend. Who offers 1gig of storage, and then after a year decides to increase it to 2gigs (with plans for more)? Only Google. How about Google Maps? It is the most extensive map of North America I have ever seen. I live in Dinky-Dorchester, and our streets are unbelievably detailed on the system...amazing! What's more? It's linked to Yellow Pages, so you can also find the nearest businesses. Now...what's next? Google is introducing a new line of beverages: Google Gulp.

Think a DNA scanner embedded in the lip of your bottle reading all 3 gigabytes of your base pair genetic data in a fraction of a second, fine-tuning your individual hormonal cocktail in real time using our patented Auto-Drink™ technology, and slamming a truckload of electrolytic neurotransmitter smart-drug stimulants past the blood-brain barrier to achieve maximum optimization of your soon-to-be-grateful cerebral cortex. Plus, it's low in carbs! And with flavors ranging from Beta Carroty to Glutamate Grape, you'll never run out of ways to quench your thirst for knowledge.

I highly recommend going on the website and checking out this FABULOUS new product offered by my friends at Google.

Oh yea...and...Happy April Fool's!

Coming at you

Hey all,

So, I have created a blog...woooooweeeee! Haha, I'm one who thinks he is up-to-date with technology, so here is my attempt to remain 'with it'. I guess I don't have much to say right now, except, if ANYONE can come out...this Monday, April 4th, at Rohani's residence at 7:00PM we're having an evening of stories, pictures and FUNNNNNN about our trip to Guyana. So....commmmeeeeeee on out!! Here's the address. If anyone needs a ride, let me know!

What are you waiting for?