Featured Track of the Week (Apr.19)
I'm going to try this and see if I can keep it up, but every week I'll give a short review on a song that has gained a monopoly on my Ipod, my car stereo and Windows Media Player. This week, I have to give this honour to Summer Calling (Josh Gabriel Mix) by Andain. It can be found at a local Kazaa or Limewire (I don't advocate downloading music illegaly). Now, people who aren't fans of vocal trance may not like this one, but those who are into any type of trance music can appreciate this haunting tune. It is a song perfect for those evening summer drives. Your windows are down and you allow the music to take over. The chilling vocals in this track may give you a few shivers down your spine, but I assure you, they are 'good shivers'! Anyways, check it out, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
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