Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Law and Order

Yes, I'm sure most of you have spent countless hours on the Chuck Norris Random Fact Generator (what...you haven't?)...but, have you ever listened to the Ranger recite the facts in person? The Best Damn Sports Show Period had Chuck Norris as a guest and I bring this little gem to you. My favourites?

  • Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.
  • Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
  • At birth, Chuck Norris came out feet first so he could roundhouse kick the doctor in the face. Nobody delivers Chuck Norris but Chuck Norris
  • Chuck Norris' cowboy boots are made from real cowboys.
Wait, I'm not done...oh the things I do for my fans. Here is a clip of my favourite comedian, Conan O'Brien, attempting to show one of his infamous Walker Texas Ranger clips, until something goes wrong...enjoy!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Number Five

Wow....I may sound like an old man, but technomologists sure are something these days, what with their computers, gadgets and iPods and all. Ok, maybe my life was completely altered after having seen this video. A completely automated world is not too far from us and Honda is one of those companies accelerating the process. Check out their 'creation': Asimo. Note: This is not a person dressed up as a robot!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Simpsons

Sure, Family Guy may have taken the torch from The Simpsons (in my humble opinion), but The Simpsons have a special place in my heart. Anyway, check out this video created by a U.K. ad agency, Devilfish, to help promote the upcoming 17th season. It's a live re-enactment of the opening sequence! Supposedly, big bucks were spent on this. Enjoy!


I thought this was amazing when I first saw it. Then I realized that people have a lot of time on their hands to be painting these rooms like this. Then I realized that I have a lot of time, because I don't even know how I stumbled across this website. Anyway, check it out, I'm sure you'll thank me one day.

A-Team antics

It has been a while since I have posted, so I have to come out strong. Many of you might think of this as particularly weak...but I would have to disagree. By posting a Public Service Announcement made by Mr. T at least a decade ago, I knew I could not go wrong. This clip goes from cheesy, to hilarious to outright absurd! Check it out.

...coming soon.

I have been on a hiatus, yes.
I do apologize.
But, there are plans....oh there are plans.

Check back soon.