Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A Whole New World

Yes, I realize, another unexplained, prolonged disappearance. Most of you probably didn't care/realize, so really, there was no disappearance. For the few die-hard fans (and I know there are a few), my apologies. We just recently moved to a new home, and by the time we got settled down, I made a trip to Boston. Before I get to the crux of this post, I'd like to first of all say how beautiful Boston and Cambridge are. Kamyar and I drove down for the ABS (Association for Baha'i Studies) conference...which by the way was great...and stayed with Aram for an extra week to see the area. Beautiful!

Anyways, more importantly (as you can tell, I have my priorities set straight), this is the first of many blogs from a brand new piece of hardware. Yes, I purchased a 15' Apple Powerbook. Lovely. Exquisite. Now, I have been preaching Mac for quite a while, but I was waiting for the right time to buy my laptop...and here it is! Finally! As I previously posted, Apple is so much more intuitive, sleek and integrated than PCs. Compatibility problems? Phhht...I laugh in the face of compatibility. Why do I want to run PC programs on the Mac? My only gripe is this. Actually, I'm sorry, I have a couple:

1) I may have a faulty book, but my airport (wireless card) is not strong at all. I have heard that powerbooks' airport cards aren't very strong, but I didn't think that two walls would prevent the signal from reaching my laptop.

2) The laptop gets very hot. I understand it is a very powerful machine, and other laptops do get hot. But, if I'm watching a movie, it does get very uncomfortable on my lap halfway through the movie.

3) I now spend too much time on the computer, browsing even more useless websites, and creating pointless songs and movies.

4) My Powerbook doesn't dance for me.

That's it....those are the only problems...besides that, it has filled the void in my life that I have lived with for much too long. Wanna slam the Mac? Leave me a comment. Fellow Mac user wanting to hi-five me? Leave me a comment. Is your name Mack? Leave me a comment.


At 8/23/2005 8:43 AM, Blogger Paul J. Heidema said...

Well Faran you finally took the plunge and walked the walk instead of just talking the talk. Welcome to the new world! My MAC has done the same for me. I am on the internet way more than I was on any PC. Now surfing and doing everyday things is relaxing and ultimately fun. Your little gripe is not important compared to the holistic whirlwind of pure joy that a MAC offers and delivers to the "t".

At 8/23/2005 12:42 PM, Blogger Kamyar said...

i'd get my mac checked out if I was you...mine dances for me fine

At 8/23/2005 1:12 PM, Blogger faranv said...

And that's what bothers me, see the Apple Representative that I purchased my book from told me that this specific model is optimized for Merengue, Tango and Salsa. I asked him if it could break-dance, and he laughed at me, so I was willing to take that hit. But, I mean, it can't even do the GRAPE-VINE for God's sake!


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