In 1998, Mark Osborne released this stop-motion animated short that received much praise, but not enough publicity. Nominated for an Academy Award, More was beaten to the Oscar by Chris Wedge's equally touching story of Bunny (which can be found on the 2nd DVD of Ice Age). More went on to win nine other awards, one of them being at the Sundance Film Festival. This hidden gem is available now for everyone to see at this website.
It is a story about a disillusioned inventor who has dreams of reliving his colourful childhood happiness. But, when he acheives this life-long dream, he realizes that greed has skewed his perception of happiness, and ultimately shatters the fantasy.
I highly recommend this short, it's only six minutes long, but I guarantee you'll want to watch it over and over. Accompanied by a chilling soundtrack, More is definitely a must-see.
that was deep.
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